Frequently Asked Questions
We greet boys and girls aged between 13 and 20, who pursue their studies in Paris or its vicinity.
Students have different profiles: students pursuing a mixed school /artistic curriculum, post bachelor general studies.
The diversity contributes to the richness of our residence, where students share their time between studying, artistic practice and leisure and have common interests.
Students and their parents can contact our management team for enquiries regarding enrollment, registration and vacancy. Any contact through e-mail or by phone will have to be followed by an interview of the candidate and meeting with his family, whether he be minor or not.
Each future candidate for residence is interviewed so as to identify his or her aspirations in order to find the room that will be best adapted.
All efforts are made so that residents sharing a room do so with pleasure upon returning from class. Thus we pay great attention that residents are on the same “wave length, have similar ages, etc.
Residents can benefit from their room during the school year, from the beginning of September to mid-July. Those that wish so, can stay on week-ends or during small school vacations. Our educational team is present to watch over them. Please note that the residence is closed during Christmas school vacation.
Existing residents have priority for future enrollment.
Only the main floor common spaces are mixed.
Boys are separated from girls by floor. Mixity is thus prohibited on these different floors.
Educators or the management team are always present at the residence. The team is at the disposal of residents for daily assistance, controlling arrivals, including announced late arrivals. The team is also there to receive queries from families or in the case of the unexpected: illness, unplanned lateness…